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Friday, August 2, 2019

How Fast Can a Hacker Computer Guess Your Password?

Improve your password security by combine or merge between numbers and letters, instead of just sticking with one type of character. A string of nine letters or numbers takes milliseconds to crack. Add a single letter, and your password may become cryptic enough to counter password crackers for almost four decades.

However, it’s not as simple as swapping your “e” for a “3” or adding a number at the end of a string of letters. Most of the hackers will take advantage with that common habits, doing by most people. What you should do is, simply create password that is less predictable and more complicated to guess. 

Mix several types of characters is an highly effective way to make your password more cryptic and secured. The most simple and common word used actually can be cracked in just a millisecond. So, make a move from now to change your predictable password  by combining of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols (!@#%) and your password is secured for more than a decade. 

Instead of that, it’s very important when talking about password security, is not to use actual dictionary words. Many hacker programs start with long list of common passwords and then move on to the whole dictionary. This is much faster than a brute force attack because there are way less options.

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